This is a fully sprung tender chassis using the Continuous Springy Beam (CSB) principle. It is designed to fit the BR2 (and derivative)
Standard locomotive tenders with a wheel-base of 6'6" x 6'6" and includes details such as brake cross-shaft, pull rods and levers.
Also includes separate guard irons for glueing onto the Bachmann model.
The chassis will also fit kit-built tenders where the underside
or floor of the tank is flush with the footplate edge. Modifications to fit the DJH kit are detailed in the instructions.
The kit consists
of a nickel-silver etch and white metal castings. It includes all the hornblocks & bearings, brass rod and wire. A number of jigs
are included on the etch to aid assembly. Fits BR2 and BR2A versions
Requires 3' 31/2" Stanier tender wheels (not included).